Friday, July 28, 2006


1. Contest blog has been deleted. (No more contests.)
2. New blog has been created.
3. New blog link on sidebar.
4. Soon to be created: unknown/ secret/ private/ hidden blog.
5. No prizes for new blog.
6. No prizes for soon-to-be created blog.
7. Do not visit my public blog if you are allergic or exhibit a very strong reaction towards crap.

(again, this is LIVING SHIFTER speaking.)

We ain't overlapping - posted by 301 at 10:21 pm


Sunday, July 23, 2006


whoever that was, declare yourself.
(this is Living Shifter.)

by the way, alfred nobel was a recluse.
(and i think i have been the only one visiting this site. i suck.... my homework is neglected, i am handing in rubbish, my assignments are failures, i may not make it past this sem....)

We ain't overlapping - posted by 301 at 3:42 pm


Saturday, July 22, 2006

discovering to find that
keeping it hidden
keeps the discoverers

We ain't overlapping - posted by 301 at 7:49 pm


Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Article by Living Shifter (4th edition, 23 July '06): WARNING: the following may sound like Lamentations.

[condensing my articles is nice.]
by now the class has apparently fragmented. being egocentric, what do i care about the class? the most important thing to me should be that i am in the centre of all the broken pieces, because in every class there has been groups and i am always isolated.
for me, i have no grudges. i don't mind being alone. look at the top of maslow's hierarchy. i don't need credit, i don't need acknowledgment, i don't need praise (winning awards is different). in fact i don't want the laudation that comes with winning awards. i just hope everybody gets better than he deserves. (thinking of that, if we got what we deserved, all of us would be dead by now.)
undeniably i have been violent in all my previous schools, and it remains to be seen whether or when i will start fighting in nushs.
yet this time i am not isolated by choice or by nature, or even by results. i maintain a neutral stand. perhaps that is what irks people. compromising makes everybody unhappier. maybe again it is because i see through people. i mean-- not that i'm directing this to anyone or attacking them, but just visiting this class blog is good enough-- you should be familiar with me enough by now to realise i don't like to see guises of classmates. i do not know what you [06301ians] comprehend of me, and i don't think you all have to understand me. who is at the engine room of the class?
(my other articles have sounded gay and lame; you must be dread of it.)
this time i am serious. 6/40 months into our time together and i am already between scylla and charybdis and ayers rock. i visted your blogs; they reflected either strong emotions or shallowness/emptiness. sorry. i forgot myself; i must not be hypocritical.
i say this in my own faults. i have not done enough. i should have sacrificed myself more. still i have a dream today.
...and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Article by Living Shifter (6th edition)
i laugh you people.... all so gung-ho.... end up it is the FIVE OF US WHO ARE DOING ALMOST EVERYTHING! i ask for idea.... nobody give.... i send people.... never respond.... plus kena "tekan" from Mr Lim.... even Ms Chua Bann very interested to know the outcome....
update: prize for finding my blog has increased to 1,500,000.
if got another chance, i WILL wear my p. LAM 16 "jersey" again. #
crazy google booted me out of the class blog again, invite me back (iamanigeeit, update: i invited myself back update: i got removed again

who even reads the class blog 12 hours before the rube goldberg day? o.0 even the forum can't do that....
our class identity is to have no identity. if everyone wears same thing, we can't "identify" each other.... and since we don't wear uniforms on youth day, why be "uniform" with each other? i would rather we work as one instead of wear as one.... anyway, we can identify ourselves as the only class to have so varied a varietal variety of raiment.
Lalala~? i most certainly cannot cannot can can cannot can cannot cannot can can cannot cannot can go (count them).
as for the repeat of june incident, the best timing would be post-exam. september is very busy for many people, especially muggers and those serving tpfsc. and besides, we should invite our families as well because *somehow* everybody, including family, are more *assured* if they come along (and we dun have to group up, just gather at the start and end of it). of course, if your family cannot go (addressed to scholars, )....
as i said before, some sections of our class would prefer internet access wherever it is so there would be a mapling party alongside. the usual haunts like lan, arcades, sentosa, wet parks, dry parks, and skating are out of kind with many people in class. we're not exactly ordinary teens, and part of our class is not "teen" anyway.

that's it. if some people are fed up with me "spamming" the blog, then get people to read the forums. thanks. (no, i do not do this to get attention, unlike some people.)
wait: people spam my hotmail even more than i do this blog. so, this is everybody's second last chance not to send me chain or junk mails before i block you. even if my hotmail is a junk place that i don't check.

We ain't overlapping - posted by 301 at 3:09 pm
